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Make Therapeutics, Nanodevices, and Future by Nucleic Acids
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Jiro Kondo Lab. x StudioMIDAS Inc.

Design Nucleic Acids

Sophia Biophysics Lab.​



Nucleic Acid Structural Biology

Nucleic Acids Therapeutics

Sophia Biophysics Lab. is one of the few laboratories in the world that specializes in nucleic acid X-ray structural biology. We are clarifying the three-dimensional structures of DNA and RNA molecules that work in living organisms by using our original crystallization and structural analysis methods .

Nucleic acid therapeutics are a new type of drug made from DNA and are attracting attention as a third-generation drug after small molecule drugs and biological drugs. We have been designing and developing new types of nucleic acid drugs based on three-dimensional structural information.

Nucleic Acids Nanotechnology

DNA is an elongated bio-compatible and environmental friendly molecule with a diameter of only two nanometers (two billionths of a meter). In our laboratory, we design and develop nanodevices made of DNA based on three-dimensional structural information.




Prof. Jiro KONDO


I am a professor at Sophia University, Tokyo, Japan. I obtained PhD in 2004 from Tokyo Institute of Technology. My research interests include the structure-based design of functional nucleic acids useful in medicine and nanotechnology. I have solved several supernatural nucleic acid structures, such as a DNA octaplex, a silver-DNA hybrid nanowire, and DNA-templated silver nanoclusters. I am teaching Biophysics, Biochemistry, and Basic Biology at Sophia University. In 2015, I received The Young Scientist’s Prize of The Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. 


Master's course student (M2): 1

Master's course student (M1): 6

Undergraduate student (B4): 4


Jiro Kondo Lab.

Departement of Materials and  Life Sciences, Sophia University

7-1 Kioi-cho, Chiyoda-ku, 102-8554 Tokyo, Japan

Office: Room 9-655D​ 

Laboratory: Room 9-655C

E-mail: j.kondo[at]

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