Make Therapeutics, Nanodevices, and Future by Nucleic Acids
Jiro Kondo Lab. x StudioMIDAS Inc.
Design Nucleic Acids
Sophia Biophysics Lab.


Nucleic Acid Structural Biology
Nucleic Acids Therapeutics
Sophia Biophysics Lab. is one of the few laboratories in the world that specializes in nucleic acid X-ray structural biology. We are clarifying the three-dimensional structures of DNA and RNA molecules that work in living organisms by using our original crystallization and structural analysis methods .
Nucleic acid therapeutics are a new type of drug made from DNA and are attracting attention as a third-generation drug after small molecule drugs and biological drugs. We have been designing and developing new types of nucleic acid drugs based on three-dimensional structural information.
Nucleic Acids Nanotechnology
DNA is an elongated bio-compatible and environmental friendly molecule with a diameter of only two nanometers (two billionths of a meter). In our laboratory, we design and develop nanodevices made of DNA based on three-dimensional structural information.


Prof. Jiro KONDO
I am a professor at Sophia University, Tokyo, Japan. I obtained PhD in 2004 from Tokyo Institute of Technology. My research interests include the structure-based design of functional nucleic acids useful in medicine and nanotechnology. I have solved several supernatural nucleic acid structures, such as a DNA octaplex, a silver-DNA hybrid nanowire, and DNA-templated silver nanoclusters. I am teaching Biophysics, Biochemistry, and Basic Biology at Sophia University. In 2015, I received The Young Scientist’s Prize of The Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.
Master's course student (M2): 1
Master's course student (M1): 6
Undergraduate student (B4): 4

Jiro Kondo Lab.
Departement of Materials and Life Sciences, Sophia University
7-1 Kioi-cho, Chiyoda-ku, 102-8554 Tokyo, Japan
Office: Room 9-655D
Laboratory: Room 9-655C
E-mail: j.kondo[at]sophia.ac.jp